If U Delete the Quest Item for Gettin Moroes as a Follower Can U Get It Again

Were you lot looking for the picture version of this grapheme, Warcraft: The Beginning Moroes?

Moroes, besides known equally Moroes the Castellan,[ane] is Karazhan's steward and can be found tending to guests in the Feast Hall in Karazhan. Along with 4 special invited patrons, Moroes fights any uninvited guests to the death. Moroes is the second boss and the offset mandatory boss plant in this raid example, and his defeat allows access to the Opera Event.


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Strategy
    • 3.i The dinner guests (adds)
    • 3.2 Encounter priorities
    • 3.three Garrote
    • 3.four Gouge and the tanks
    • 3.v Dealing with Blind
    • 3.vi Preparing for battle
    • 3.seven Executing the fight
  • 4 Video guide
  • 5 Notes
  • six Course specific tips
    • six.1 Paladin
    • half dozen.2 Priest
    • 6.3 Warlock
    • 6.four Hunter
    • half-dozen.five Warrior
    • vi.six Shaman
    • vi.7 Druid
    • half dozen.viii Mage
    • half-dozen.9 Rogue
  • seven Quotes
  • 8 Loot
  • nine Bugs
  • x Myth
  • 11 Trivia
  • 12 See also
  • thirteen References
  • 14 External links
    • 14.i Strategy guides
    • 14.2 Videos


In The Last Guardian, Moroes was described as Medivh's castellan or personal business firm servant. He was an oddly thin man, besides thin. It made Khadgar think Medivh mutated animals to serve him. He was likewise ghostly in appearance, who wore horse blinders over his eyes in order to escape the wandering visions that plagued Medivh's tower. He described to Khadgar (who had traveled from Dalaran to serve as Medivh'southward apprentice) how Cook had seen a vision of him breaking 1 of his crystal dishes and, despite hiding the dishes, Moroes ended up shattering it anyway; he wore the blinders until the day he died. He was killed past Medivh, who was in the final stages of madness, and is at present buried beside both his master and Melt outside of Karazhan. It seemed that Moroes wasn't surprised that he was murdered by Medivh, co-ordinate to The Concluding Guardian, it said: His eyes were wide and open, simply his face up was surprsingly composed. Not even expiry seemed to surprise the castellan.

Moroes has been resurrected past the new master of Karazhan. He is ane of the first bosses encountered by adventurers. He has been revived as an undead and wields two wicked daggers when attacking. He seems to have retained much of his personality during life since afterward wiping the raid he states Medivh will return from Stormwind City.

The party he "holds" in the tower's Banquet Hall includes ghosts of relatives of Darkshire noblemen as guests. Names of all of the NPCs in the Hall, including Ebonlocke who refuses to accept role in the festivities, can be found as names of notable citizens of the Duskwood town.


  • Basic Melee: 1600–2500 on plate.
  • Allowed to Taunt
  • Vanish: Vanishes without dropping aggro.
  • Garrote: A concrete DoT applied to a random role player character after Vanish. Deals 1000 damage every three seconds for 5 minutes (100,000 total damage).
  • Blind: A poisonous substance-based disorient upshot that lands on Moroes' closest not-tank target.
  • Gouge: A physical stun on Moroes' electric current target. Breaks on impairment. Moroes attacks the target with the second-highest threat while his primary target is stunned.
  • Enrage: At 30% health, Moroes Enrages, increasing his harm.
  • Berserk: Later on a certain amount of fourth dimension Moroes frenzies and throws daggers at random raid members.


The Moroes meet tests your raid'south power to control several targets while as well maintaining loftier DPS. Success requires a solid control strategy for his 4 dinner guests. If allowed to go free, they will quickly put an end to the squishies. Control must exist established immediately on the pull and maintained throughout the fight.

Once command is established, the come across becomes a race between the raid'due south harm output and the edifice damage caused by Garrote. Each time a Garrote is practical, the strain on the healers increases. Moroes must die before the healing needed becomes too much to handle.

The dinner guests (adds)

Moroes has four different random dinner guests (adds), consisting of the members of Noble House of Darkshire, from the following listing in every example. Each add is based off a class and spec. The following table lists them in a practiced impale order:

Name Class Health Abilities
Baroness Dorothea Millstipe Shadow Priest 67k Mana Fire, Heed Flay, Shadow Discussion: Pain
Lady Catriona Von'Indi Holy Priest 67k Greater Heal, Power Word: Shield, Dispel Magic, Holy Burn down
Lady Keira Berrybuck Holy Paladin 67k Holy Low-cal, Cleanse, Divine Shield, Blessing of Might
Baron Rafe Dreuger Retribution Paladin 67k Hammer of Justice, Cleanse
Lord Robin Daris Arms Warrior 84k Mortal Strike, Whirlwind
Lord Crispin Ference Protection Warrior 83k Disarm, Shield Bash, Shield Wall
Baroness Dorothea Millstipe
Her mana burn spell is the single most unsafe factor in this fight. It can burn all the mana from a healer, leading to a wipe. Fortunately, her cloth armor makes her piece of cake to kill. Burn her down showtime, and as speedily equally possible. Interrupt, silence, and stun her attempts to cast the mana burn. She does non need a tank, but make sure to heal her target.
Lady Catriona Von'Indi
She does not appear to use her Dispel Magic to free the other dinner guests from shackles or traps. Instead, she uses it to remove buffs from players. Her heals must be interrupted. If she is killed, no tank is required.
Lady Keira Berrybuck
Her heals and cleanses brand her extremely confusing, as she will release her friends from Shackle Undead and Freezing Trap. Her Approving of Might adds 550 assault power and is also unsafe, peculiarly on Moroes. Due to her armor and Divine Shield she is more hard to kill than the priests. Therefore, she is a loftier priority to go on shackled the whole fight. If she is killed or trapped, warn the raid that shackles and other traps will break early on and that priests, hunters, and shamans must get rid of the Blessing of Might. Her Divine Shield can be dispelled with Mass Dispel. If she is to be killed, a tank is a good thought, merely not required.
Baron Rafe Dreuger
His main threat is his ability to stun his chief target with Hammer of Justice and take off afterwards a healer. While he has a documented Cleanse ability, he does not announced to use it much. He may exist trapped, so long equally the hunter is conscientious not to let him get shut enough to stun. A tank is required to impale him.
Lord Robin Daris
His main threat is his powerful Mortal Strike. He volition speedily kill anyone merely a tank. He should generally be concatenation-trapped by a hunter, then tanked and killed. If no hunters are available, he should simply be off-tanked (with extra heals) until information technology is fourth dimension to impale him. He tin can too be kept shackled the whole fight, but with great caution; the priest will dice in one hitting if he gets loose for long plenty. Proceed him away from the raid, every bit his cyclone causes damage if he uses information technology in a crowd.
Lord Crispin Ference
He doesn't do a lot of harm, merely takes a long time to impale. Therefore, it's reasonable to attack Moroes while Ference is still alive. Although his disarm ability is annoying, it is reasonable to off-tank him as a "rage battery", particularly as a druid bear. Once the other dinner guests are expressionless or shackled, he can be trapped, turned, or killed when Moroes vanishes.

Meet priorities

The encounter is very difficult, peculiarly for first-timers, the more than you lot practise the encounter, the easier information technology becomes. It is highly advised that yous prioritize your kills, and the way y'all choose to organize your list is as the raid chooses, however, here is a list of the well-nigh mutual and easiest mode to down the guests and Moroes:

one) Healers: Lady Catriona Von'Indi and Lady Keira Berrybuck will constantly vitrify and heal the other guests, they will make the encounter much longer, which ways more Garrotes, which results in a wipe.

2) Mana Burner: Baroness Dorothea Millstipe will Mana Burn members of the raid, the last thing yous need is her Mana burning the Healers.

3) Stunner: Businesswoman Rafe Dreuger will utilise Hammer of Justice, the stun tin can result in loss of aggro, which ways yous volition lose control of the Baron, and he can go prattle with the residuum of the grouping.

4) Warrior: Lord Robin Daris will be the least of your problems later the preceding members are washed with, and he should go downward quickly, but make sure to stay out of his Melee range when he casts Whirlwind.

5) The Height: Finally, take Moroes down earlier he Garrotes any more of you, Moroes will Enrage on 30% health, and volition no longer bandage any spells, so that shouldn't brand much of a deviation on the encounter. He should exist downed last if Lord Crispin Ference is non 1 of the guests.

half dozen) Survivalist: Lord Crispin Ference takes a really long time to impale, andthus should be that last on your priority listing, merely make sure Moroes is down when y'all decide to attack him

Every bit many adds as possible should be crowd controlled. The adds can be controlled with the priest's Shackle Undead, the paladin'southward Turn Evil, the hunter's Freezing Trap, off-tanking, snares (with kiting), and stuns. Be careful when using a paladin to fright the adds, since if an add together exits the room, the run into resets.

Shackles can be maintained until Moroes is dead. Adds for which no shackle is available should unremarkably be killed before Moroes. One good sequence is to follow the above list from pinnacle to bottom - the priests have the least health and require no tank, the paladins can dispel, and the warriors have longer to impale due to their high wellness (particularly Ference).


Moroes vanishes every 30 seconds, and upon render randomly Garrotes a raid member. Garrote is a bleed outcome and deals 1,000 harm every three seconds for 300 seconds (5 minutes, for a total of 100,000 damage). After he garrotes, Moroes immediately returns to the highest threat target. Garrote tin can be removed by the following abilities merely:

  • Dwarves' Stoneform
  • Paladins' Divine Shield and Blessing of Protection
  • Mages' Ice Block
  • Items which remove bleeding effects (Luffa no longer works)
  • Death (hopefully followed by a combat resurrection)
  • Information technology seems that hunters tin avoid Garrote by Feign Death during Vanish

Since the possibilities to remove Garrote are limited, in that location is no choice only to heal through it on virtually raid members. Ane active HoT from a well-equipped healer should be enough. Grouping heals work well when multiple targets are garroted.

In theory, all Garrotes are automatically removed when Moroes is defeated. Nonetheless, sometimes they persist even after Moroes dies. Resetting the encounter does not remove Garrotes.

Dying from Garrote does non inflict a durability loss penalty. It is a good idea to programme ahead (while clearing other bosses) and salve all combat resurrection cooldowns for Moroes. Do not cast soulstones earlier the meet, but wait until an important target is garroted, and but then soulstone. This method of garrote removal has the advantage that the resurrection restores some mana. If a raid fellow member is garroted and a combat resurrection is planned, the player should speedily spend all his mana, so just die and be resurrected.

If possible, Garrote should e'er be removed from a priest that is maintaining a shackle. All healers are important as well. Impairment-dealing classes should be cured only towards the end of the fight, while the tanks should never get the Garrote removed — they are the primary heal targets anyways, and the Garrote breaks the Gouge.

Gouge and the tanks

Generally, two tanks are needed on Moroes. The off-tank must always be 2nd on the threat listing, because Moroes periodically gouges the principal tank then turns to his target with the second-highest threat. This must be the off-tank. However, information technology is possible to avoid the gouge by turning your back to him, and bankroll upward slowly until you lot can use your attacks.

Since the off-tank gets hit only while the main-tank is Gouged, rage may be a problem. To counter rage-starvation, the off-tank can grab one of the adds to act as a rage bombardment. This also controls that add.

If available, a tertiary tank tin handle the adds that crave tanking, or i of the ii Moroes tanks tin practice the job.

As a variant, a paladin can tank Moroes and all iv adds. The paladin firsts casts Approving of Sacrifice on a temporary off-tank (or a warlock who can then utilize Hellfire to cause the paladin some impairment) and after on a Garrote victim. This breaks Gouge as before long equally the Garrote ticks or the hellfire passes some damage. If Baron Rafe Dreuger is present, the raid stun-locks, silences, and kills him speedily, so that he cannot stun the tank.

Dealing with Blind

Moroes casts Blind on his closest enemy that is non his current target. This is a poison-based disorient effect that causes the victim to temporarily lose aggro and wander frantically for 10 seconds. It is broken by damage. Information technology is devastating if Moroes Blinds the off-tank then Gouges the main tank, as he will then more often than not attack a healer.

To avoid this, assign a non-tank character to stand up on top of Moroes at all times. This grapheme takes the Blinds instead of the off-tank.

Naturally, paladins, druids, and shamans should remove the Blind result. Shamans should keep downwards a Poison Cleansing Totem to help with this.

Preparing for battle

Given the random nature of the adds and the raid'due south limerick, every Moroes fight is different. The raid must make a plan earlier the pull and stick with it. This fight requires more planning than anything that comes earlier it in the game.

  1. Articulate the unabridged room of all the trash.
  2. Marker Moroes and all the dinner guests with raid icons.
  3. Determine and announce the impale club
  4. Assign targets to players for:
    • Shackling
    • Freeze trapping
    • Fearing (via Turn Undead)
    • Tanking for Moroes, as crowd-control, and for kill targets
    • Off-tanking, for Moroes
    • Healing, for the tank, off-tank, and the rest of the raid
    • Fill-in duties, should someone die before his assignment is complete

Executing the fight

In one case a programme is established, it'due south time to execute it.

Pull Moroes, impale targets, and off-tank targets to one side of the room. Pull shackle and trap targets to the other side and control them there. This makes it less probable for the oversupply-control to suspension from AoE attacks, dispels, or cleanses. The tanks generate threat on Moroes and any off-tank targets, while the controllers shackle or trap, then switch to healing or attacking as quickly as possible.

Use all cooldown abilities available to assail and impale the beginning target as quickly equally possible. The fight becomes considerably easier to control in one case one or two targets die. In that location's no reason to save damage-dealing cooldowns for Moroes. Focus burn down on the planned kill targets, in gild, until Moroes dies.

The tank calls out when he is gouged, then that healers tin can switch focus to the off-tank.

Anyone who is controlling an add together calls out when there is a trouble so that someone else tin aid.

Once all non-shackled adds are killed, the raid may kill Moroes next to speed up the fight and reduce the pressure from multiple garrotes, or kill the shackled adds to remove the take chances of them getting loose and causing trouble.

After Moroes is dead, the raid may kill any remaining adds or despawn them past leaving the room.

Video guide

How to solo Moroes


  • The encounter can be reset by pulling/fearing an add out of the room or by having the entire raid run out of the room. Yet, Moroes leaving the room volition not reset the encounter.
  • If a shackle target gets loose, utilise taunts, stuns, snares, and fears to requite the priest time to re-shackle information technology.
  • Brand sure the pets don't effort to attack a shackled or trapped add when Moroes vanishes
  • Since they're all undead, the Argent Dawn trinkets can be most useful here (Rune of the Dawn and Seal of the Dawn).

Class specific tips


Paladins should use Divine Shield to remove Garrote from themselves. They can use Approval of Protection to remove it from of import raid members it lands on, generally priests. A reduced cooldown on Blessing of Protection (Guardian'due south Favor) is a big bonus in this fight.

Paladins can use Blessing of Sacrifice on a Garroted party fellow member or the off-tank to mitigate the harm. This tin make a departure for depression-health casters and breaks Gouge on paladin tanks.

While Turn Evil is not reliable long-term oversupply-control, it is useful to protect healers and other crowd-controllers, should a target get loose. To avert resetting the run into, do not use it nearly either of the entrances to the room.

A paladin that is assigned to oversupply-control duties can use i of the following macros to cast Plow Evil without losing his current target:

/cast [target=Lord Robin Daris] Turn Evil        
/clearfocus [modifier:shift] [target=focus,dead] [target=focus,noexists]  /focus [target=focus,noexists]  /script SetRaidTarget("focus", 1)  /bandage [target=focus] Turn Evil        

See Useful Priest Macros for detailed examples and explanation.


Shadow priests by and large accept more spell hit than Holy Priests, and are thus better at maintaining Shackles. Re-cast the shackle every 10 seconds or so to reduce the possibility of a target getting loose. If a shackle target does become loose, make certain to call for help.

The following macros are useful for casting the shackle without losing your electric current target:

/cast [target=Lord Robin Daris] shackle undead        
/clearfocus [modifier:shift] [target=focus,dead] [target=focus,noexists]  /focus [target=focus,noexists]  /script SetRaidTarget("focus", 1)  /cast [target=focus] Shackle Undead        

See Useful priest macros for detailed examples and caption.

An addon called UberShackle tin as well exist helpful in reshackling Moroes adds.


The post-obit macro will allow a warlock voidwalker to build threat on a shackle target without breaking the shackle. If the shackle breaks, the target will assault the Voidwalker instead of the priest.

/clearfocus [modifier:alt] /focus [target=focus,noexists]; [target=focus,expressionless] /clearfocus [target=focus,help] /petstay /petfollow /cast [pet:voidwalker,target=focus,exists,harm] Torment; Torment        

Hit the macro while holding downwardly the alt key to set the focus. Keep the Voidwalker in passive, and repeatedly hitting this macro during the fight to utilize the Torment power.

Apply Curse of Tongues on the caster adds to irksome down mana burn and heal spells.


Hunters tin can chain-trap one add indefinitely. This is made easier by survival talents or the Beast Lord Armor set bonus. They can too kite.

However, given the importance of high damage output in this fight, it is not always a good thought to trap or kite for a long time. If the hunter is busy trapping, he can't put out as much damage. It may be all-time to pull a target into a trap, driblet a second trap, and trust in an off-tank to selection up the trap target before the 2nd trap breaks.

Hunters tin utilize Misdirection to help the off-tank maintain threat on Moroes.

Hunters can driblet a Freezing Trap on any (thespian) priest that is keeping a target shackled. If the shackle breaks, this will give the priest time to re-shackle the target instead of taking hits.

Hunter pets specced for armor and stamina can tank kill targets, and so long every bit they get heals.


Whatever spec of warrior can off-tank Moroes and tank kill targets.

Intervene does not appear to catch Garrote.


Shamans should drib Poison Cleansing Totems to get rid of Blind. They should also exist prepared to die and reincarnate if they get Garroted.


Druids can switch into bear form and employ Growl to protect whatsoever healers or oversupply-controllers that become unwanted attending. They should by and large salvage their Rebirth battle resurrection for priests that are maintaining shackles.


Mages can and should use Water ice Block to get rid of Garrote.


Use Listen-Numbing Poison on the caster adds to slow downward mana burns and heals.


  • Hmm, unannounced visitors, Preparations must be made...
  • Now, where was I? Oh yeah...
  • You rang?
Killing a player
  • I've gone and made a mess.
  • One more than for dinner this night.
  • Time... Never enough time.
  • The Master volition render from Stormwind soon.
  • How terribly clumsy of me...
  • I've longed for this.


Moroes boodle

Inv belt 22.png

  • Belt of Gale Force
  • Item Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : 1-2

  • Binds when picked up
  • Postal service
  • Waist
  • 457 Armor
  • +27 Stamina
    +28 Intellect
  • Durability 50 / l
  • Requires level 70
  • Equip: Restores ten mana per 5 sec.
    Equip: Increases spell power by 32.
  • Icon-3D-48x48.png
  • Sell Price: 3g 63s vc

Inv boots chain 05.png

  • Boots of Valiance
  • Item Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : 1-2

  • Binds when picked up
  • Plate
  • Feet
  • 997 Armor
  • +28 Stamina
    +28 Intellect
  • Durability 75 / 75
  • Requires level 70
  • Equip: Improves critical strike rating past 25.
    Equip: Improves spell power by 29.
  • Icon-3D-48x48.png
  • Sell Cost: vig 38s 69c

Inv jewelry necklace ahnqiraj 04.png

  • Brooch of Unquenchable Fury
  • Item Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : 1-2

  • Binds when picked up
  • Cervix
  • +24 Stamina
    +21 Intellect
  • Requires level 70
  • Equip: Improves hit rating past xv.
    Equip: Increases spell ability past 26.
  • Sell Price: 8g 83s 55c

Inv belt 27.png

  • Ruby Girdle of the Indomitable
  • Item Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : i-two

  • Binds when picked upwardly
  • Plate
  • Waist
  • 816 Armor
  • +xx Strength
    +36 Stamina
  • Red Socket Cherry Socket
    Yellow Socket Yellowish Socket
  • Socket Bonus: +3 Parry Rating
  • Durability 55 / 55
  • Requires level 70
  • Equip: Increases defense force rating by 24.
    Equip: Increases your shield block rating by xvi.
  • Icon-3D-48x48.png
  • Sell Toll: 4g 24s fiftyc

Inv boots plate 06.png

  • Edgewalker Longboots
  • Item Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : 1-ii

  • Binds when picked upwardly
  • Leather
  • Feet
  • 250 Armor
  • +29 Agility
    +28 Stamina
  • Red Socket Ruby Socket
    Yellow Socket Yellowish Socket
  • Socket Bonus: +3 Hit Rating
  • Durability 60 / 60
  • Requires level seventy
  • Equip: Improves hitting rating by xiii.
    Equip: Increases attack power by 44.
  • Icon-3D-48x48.png
  • Sell Toll: 4g 39s

Inv weapon shortblade 38.png

  • Emerald Ripper
  • Detail Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : 1-two

  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Dagger
  • One-Hand
  • Speed 1.eighty
  • 126 - 189 Damage
  • (87.v harm per second)
  • +xix Agility
    +18 Stamina
  • Durability 75 / 75
  • Requires level 70
  • Equip: Increases attack power by 36.
  • Icon-3D-48x48.png
  • Sell Price: xig 66s 56c

Inv misc thegoldencheep.png

  • Idol of the Avian Heart
  • Item Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : 1-two

  • Binds when picked upward
  • Unique
  • Idol
  • Relic
  • Requires level 70
  • Equip: Increases the amount healed past Healing Impact by 136.
  • Sell Price: 3g 64s 36c

Inv misc pocketwatch 02.png

  • Moroes' Lucky Pocket Lookout man
  • Item Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : ane-two

  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Trinket
  • Requires level 70
  • Equip: Increases your contrivance rating by 38.
    Utilize: Increases dodge rating by 300 for 10 sec.
  • Sell Price: 9g elevens 60c

Inv belt 08.png

  • Nethershard Girdle
  • Detail Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : 1-two

  • Binds when picked upwardly
  • Fabric
  • Waist
  • 109 Armor
  • +22 Stamina
    +30 Intellect
    +22 Spirit
  • Durability 35 / 35
  • Requires level 70
  • Equip: Increases spell power by 35.
  • Icon-3D-48x48.png
  • Sell Price: 2g 40s 32c

Inv misc cape 10.png

  • Royal Cloak of Arathi Kings
  • Item Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : 1-2

  • Binds when picked upwards
  • Dorsum
  • 97 Armor
  • +26 Strength
    +31 Stamina
  • Requires level 70
  • Equip: Improves hit rating past 16.
  • Icon-3D-48x48.png
  • Sell Price: 3g 56s 40c

Inv misc cape 20.png

  • Shadow-Cloak of Dalaran
  • Item Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : i-2

  • Binds when picked upwardly
  • Back
  • 97 Armor
  • +19 Stamina
    +18 Intellect
  • Requires level 70
  • Equip:Increases spell power by 36.
  • Icon-3D-48x48.png
  • Sell Price: threeg 66s 96c

Inv jewelry ring 60.png

  • Signet of Unshakable Faith
  • Item Level 115

    Disenchants into:
    [Void Crystal] : i-2

  • Binds when picked up
  • Held In Off-hand "Held In Off-hand" is not in the listing (Dorsum, Chest, Feet, Finger, Hands, Head, Held in off-paw, Legs, Main Mitt, Neck, ...) of immune values for the "Item slot" holding.
  • +19 Stamina
    +21 Intellect
    +22 Spirit
  • Requires level seventy
  • Equip: Increases spell power by xx.
  • Sell Cost: 20g 30s 59c

Inv misc note 01.png

  • Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mongoose
  • Item Level 75

    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable

  • Binds when picked upward
  • Requires Enchanting (375)
  • Utilize: Learn how to permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to occasionally increase Agility by 120 and attack speed slightly.
  • 1 Charges
  • Sell Toll: ig 50s

Spell holy championsbond.png 200 200

  • Badge of Justice
  • Item Level 70

    Disenchants into:
    Non disenchantable

  • Binds when picked up
  • Requires level 70


  • Fifty-fifty with a successful and documented kill without any wipes or resets, the garrotes from Moroes do non always drop.
  • If Moroes dies from DoTs while he is vanished, your raid may not get credit for the kill. A soft reset is required to progress to the Opera outcome.


In Greek mythology, Moros ("doom", "fate") is the personification of impending doom, who drives every beingness, mortal or otherwise, to its fated doom.


  • His quote 'You rang?' is a reference to the graphic symbol Lurch from The Addams Family. Lurch and Moroes have a few things in common: both are undead (while Moroes resembles a Forsaken, Lurch is a huge, Frankenstein-themed being) and both are (or were) servants of ane or more than masters who lived in quite a fancy place (the mansion of the Addams family and Karazhan, respectively).
  • His quote 'I've gone and fabricated a mess' is also the name of an achievement which can be earned in Icecrown Citadel (instance).
  • Moroes is an anagram of the English word morose, defined as "gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood."

Encounter besides

  • Moroes


  1. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 33

External links

Strategy guides



Source: https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Moroes

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